66221 Home Values & Market Trends

There are 81 homes currently listed for 66221. 66221 real estate market trends show that home prices range from $364,900 to $5,000,000, and the median sales price in the 66221 zip code is $756,700. The total number of properties sold within the past twelve months is 351. In 66221, 0 properties are in foreclosure, 0 are bank owned properties,and 0 are headed for auction.

Housing Market Summary for 66221

Oct 2023September 2024Change
Median Listing Price$800K$764.5K-4.43%
Median Sold Price$752.9K$811.5K7.78%
Homes For Sale648025.00%
Homes Sold350317-9.43%
Homes For Sale

Price Per Square Foot

On an average, Single Family homes cost $33 more per sqft than Condos. In comparison with sales price/sqft last week, list price/sqft of Single Family homes increased by 1.93% whereas, list price/sqft of Condos increased by 9.38%.


Browse Homes in 66221

The median list price of a home in Overland Park, is $756,700. A total of 81 properties are for sale, and the percentage of properties for sale in the zip code is 81.00%. The total count of 66221 properties is 381.

There is 1 cities within 66221; within this cities, the median estimated home value for homes in foreclosure ranges from $0 in $[foreclosures-lowest-avm-region] to the lowest value of $0 in $[foreclosures-lowest-avm-region]. Foreclosure homes account for NaN% of properties in 66221 with $[foreclosures-highest-count-region] containing 0 foreclosures, the highest number of foreclosure properties in a single city.
  • Pre-Foreclosure
    Pre-foreclosure homes account for 0% of all residential properties in 66221 with $[pre-foreclosures-highest-count-region] containing 0 pre-foreclosures, the highest number of pre-foreclosure properties in a single city. There is 1 cities within 66221; of that cities, the estimated home value for pre-foreclosure homes ranges from $0 in N/A to the lowest home value of $0 in $[pre-foreclosures-lowest-avm-region].
  • Bank Owned
    The median estimated home value of bank owned homes (REO properties) in 66221 ranges from the highest value of $0 in N/A to the lowest value of $0 in N/A. Bank owned homes and properties account for 0% of properties in 66221. There is 1 cities within 66221; N/A containing 0 REO properties, has the highest number of bank owned properties in a single city.
  • Auctions
    N/A has 0 auction properties, the highest number of properties going to auction in a single city in the state of 66221. Auction homes and other auction properties account for 0% of all properties in 66221. There is 1 cities within 66221; of that cities, the median estimated home value for homes going to auction ranges from $0 in N/A to the lowest value of $0 in N/A.
Homes for Sale
Homes and properties that are actively listed for sale account for 21.26% of residential properties in 66221 with overland park containing 450 homes for sale, the highest number of listed properties in a single city. There is 1 cities within 66221; homes for sale in that cities, have a range of median values from $5,000,000 in overland park to the lowest value of $152,213 in overland park.
    Sold Homes
    The median value for recently sold homes ranges from $6,659,359 in overland park to the lowest price of $140,140 in overland park. There is 1 cities within 66221. overland park has 2036 recently sold homes, the highest number of recently sold properties in a single city. Recently sold homes and properties account for 78.74% of properties in 66221.

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      Homes For Sale

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